All models
10 minutes
All temperatures
1° or 0.1°
Cooling time, 155 to -20°C / 311 to -4°F
37 minutes
Cooling time, 155 to 23°C / 311 to 73°F
14 minutes
Cooling time, 23 to -20°C / 73 to -4°F
23 minutes
Cooling time, 320 to 50°C / 608 to 122°F
60 minutes
Cooling time, 650 to 50°C / 1202 to 122°F
95 minutes
Cooling time, ITC-155 A 155 to 100°C / 311 to 212°F
4 minutes
Cooling time, ITC-320 A 320 to 100°C / 608 to 212°F
30 minutes
Cooling time, ITC-650 A 650 to 100°C / 1202 to 212°F
56 minutes
Frequency, non US deliveries
50 Hz ±5, 60 Hz ±5
Frequency, US deliveries
60 Hz ±5
Heating time, -20 to 155°C / -4 to 311°F
18 minutes
Heating time, 23 to 155°C / 73 to 311°F
14 minutes
Heating time, ITC-155 A -20 to 23°C / -4 to 73°F
4 minutes
Heating time, ITC-320 A 50 to 320°C / 122 to 608°F
7 minutes
Heating time, ITC-650 A 50 to 650°C / 122 to 1202°F
25 minutes
0 to 90% RH
Immersion depth, ITC-155 A
160 mm / 6.30 in
Immersion depth, ITC-320 A / ITC-650 A
150 mm / 5.91 in
Inner diameter
16,9 mm / 0.67 in
Inner diameter (multi hole)
25,9 mm / 1.02 in
Inner diameter (single hole)
22,0 mm / 0.87 in
Insert dimensions, ITC-155 A Outer diameter
19,9 mm / 0.78 in
Instrument dimensions: L x W x H
241 x 139 x 375 mm / 9.5 x 5.5 x 14.8 in
Instrument weight, ITC-155 A
7.6 kg / 16.8 lb
ITC-155 A Maximum
155°C / 311°F
ITC-155 A Minimum @ ambient temp. 0°C / 32°F
-39°C / -38°F
ITC-155 A Minimum @ ambient temp. 23°C / 73°F
-23°C / -9°F
ITC-155 A Minimum @ ambient temp. 40°C / 104°F
-10°C / 14°F
ITC-320 A
3 to 320°C / 91 to 608°F
6.5 kg / 14.3 lb
ITC-320/650 A Outer diameter
29,7 mm / 1.17 in
ITC-650 A
33 to 650°C / 91 to 1202°F
8.5 kg / 18.7 lb
150 mm / 5.91 in
160 mm / 6.30 in
Operating temperature
0 to 40°C / 32 to 104°F
Power consumption (max) ITC-155 A
150 VA
Power consumption (max) ITC-320/650 A
1150 VA
Protection class
Serial data interface
RS232 (9-pin Male)
Shipping (carrying case only) Size
L x W x H...490 x 220 x 405 mm / 19.3 x 8.7 x 15.9 in
Shipping (carrying case only) Weight
5.0 kg / 11 lb
Shipping (including optional carrying case) Size
L x W x H...490 x 220 x 405 mm / 19.3 x 8.7 x 15.9 in
Shipping (including optional carrying case) Weight: ITC-155 A
14.0 kg / 30.9 lb
Shipping (including optional carrying case) Weight: ITC-320 A
13.7 kg / 30.2 lb
Shipping (including optional carrying case) Weight: ITC-650 A
15.7 kg / 34.6 lb
Shipping (without carrying case), Size
L x W x H...460 x 216 x 405 mm / 18.1 x 8.5 x 15.9 in
Shipping (without carrying case), Weight: ITC-155 A
11.0 kg / 24.3 lb
Shipping (without carrying case), Weight: ITC-320 A
10.7 kg / 23.6 lb
Shipping (without carrying case), Weight: ITC-650 A
12.7 kg / 28.0 lb
Storage temperature
-20 to 60oC / -4 to 140oF
Switch input (dry contact), Test current
Maximum 2.5 mA
Switch input (dry contact), Test voltage
Maximum 5 VDC
Voltage ITC-155/320 A
115V(90-127) / 230V(180-254)
Voltage ITC-650 A
115V(100-127) / 230V(200-254)
Weight of non-drilled insert (approximate), ITC-155 A
130 g / 4.6 oz
Weight of non-drilled insert (approximate), ITC-320/650 A
940 g / 33.2 oz
Well diameter, ITC-155 A
20 mm / 0.79 in
Well diameter, ITC-320/ITC-650 A
30 mm / 1.18 in
- Auto-stepping
- Automatic switch test
- Calibration of up to 24 sensors with JOFRA ASM
- Documentation made easy
- Enhanced accuracy and stability
- High accuracy and long-term stability
- Improved temperature homogeneity
- Instrument setups
- Re-calibration/adjustments
- Set temperature
- Stability indicator
- Time saving features
- Wide temperature range
Extracted Text
Improved accuracy specifications t e m p e r a t u r e Industrial Temperature Calibrator ITC-155/320/650 Wide temperature range ITC-155 -23 to 155°C / -9 to 311°F ITC-320 33 to 320°C / 91 to 608°F ITC-650 33 to 650°C / 91 to 1202°F Improved temperature homogeneity The unique dual-zone heating block ensures good temperature homogeneity in the critical calibration zone of the heating block Enhanced accuracy and stability MVI circuitry ensures temperature stability despite mains supply variations Timesaving features Fast one-key-one-function access to the auto- matic switch test and the step function High accuracy and long-term stability Specified drift over a one year period The JOFRA ITC series is the mid-range dry-block calibrator model of time. Improves the reliability of the JOFRA offered by AMETEK. The design basis for the ITC series is portability and ITC series ease-of-use supplied at a reasonable cost without sacrificing accuracy, performance, and features. Documentation made easy The ITC series incorporates the features of the high-end ATC series with RS232 communication and JOFRACAL cali- the functionality of the standard CTC series dry-block calibrators. bration software are included in the standard The ITC series employs the slim and rugged design of the CTC series. delivery This series also features the intuitive user interface, the clear LCD dis- play, and the functionality that is used in the successful CTC series. However, the ITC is designed with the state-of-the-art dual-zone heating block and MVI circuitry that has been adopted from the ATC series. The MVI circuitry ensures stable temperatures even when the mains supply is unstable. The ITC series is designed for both on-site and maintenance shop use. The applications are generally critical process control but can vary based on calibration and testing requirements. The ITC series dry-block calibrators are available in 3 different tempera- ture ranges and all models are equipped with RS232 serial communica- tion capabilities. The standard delivery also includes the JOFRACAL calibration PC software. ISO 9001 Manufacturer Specification Sheet SS-ITC ITC-320 & ITC-650 dual-zone heating block Maximum temperature The specialized block design increases the tempera- From the setup menu, the user can select the maximum ture homogeneity in the critical calibration zone. It also temperature limit for the calibrator. This function prevents minimizes the need to insulate the sensors-under-test damage to the sensor-under-test caused by the applica- and makes it possible to calibrate liquid-filled and other tion of excessive temperatures. The feature also aids in mechanical sensors. reducing drift resulting from extended periods of expo- sures to high temperatures. This feature can be locked The main, or lower, zone ensures optimum heat dissipa- with an access code. tion throughout the entire block. The secondary, or upper, zone compensates for the heat loss from the top of the MVI - Improved temperature stability block and from the sensor-under-test. MVI stands for ’’Mains power Variance Immunity’’. Unstable mains power supplies are a major contributor to on-site calibration inaccuracies. Traditional temperature calibrators often become unstable in production environ- ments where large electrical motors, heating elements, and other devices are periodically cycled on or off. The cycling of supply power can cause the temperature regu- lator to perform inconsistently leading to both inaccurate readings and unstable temperatures. The ITC series employ the MVI, thus avoiding such stabil- ity problems. The MVI circuitry continuously monitors the supply voltage and ensures a constant energy flow to the heating elements. ITC-155 heating/cooling block The model ITC-155 features improved Peltier elements that employ a ’’Multi-Stage Technology’’. This both improves efficiency and extends the useful life of the heat- ing/cooling block. Peltier effect (ITC-155) In 1834, Jean Peltier, a French physicist found that an ’’opposite thermocouple effect’’ could be observed when an electric current was connected to a thermocouple. Heat Easy-to-use, intuitive operation would be absorbed at one of the junctions and discharged All instrument controls may be performed from the front at the other junction. This effect is called the ’’PELTIER panel. The heat source is positioned away from the panel. EFFECT’’. This design helps to protect the operator. The main functions on the ITC series are designed with one-key-one-function logic. This means that there are no sub-menus or difficult to remember multiple keystrokes necessary to access primary functions. The easy-to-read, backlit display features dedicated icons, which help in identifying instrument conditions and opera- The practical Peltier element (electronic heating pump) tional steps. consists of many elements of semiconductor material con- nected electrically in series and thermally in parallel. These thermoelectric elements and their electrical interconnec- tions are mounted between two ceramic plates. The plates serve to mechanically hold the overall structure together and to electrically insulate the individual elements from one another. 2 Industrial Temperature Calibrator • ITC Set temperature Re-calibration/adjustments The ’’Up’’ and ’’Down’’ arrow keys allow the user to set The ITC series has a very easy and straightforward proce- the exact temperature desired with a resolution of 0.1°. dure for re-calibration/adjustment. There is no need for a screwdriver or PC software. The only thing you need is a Instrument setups reliable reference thermometer. The ITC series stores the complete instrument setup, Place the probe in the calibrator and follow the instruc- including: engineering units, stability criteria, resolution, tions on the display. Third-party labs and calibration facili- display contrast, slope (ramp) rate, auto-step settings, and ties will be able to perform this function if a certificate maximum temperature. from an independent source is necessary. Of course, AMETEK can provide you with a traceable calibration cer- Stability indicator tificate from our labs when you require a higher level of A bold checkmark on the display indicates that the cali- confidence. brator has reached the desired set temperature and is stable. The operator may change the stability criteria and Calibration of up to 24 sensors with JOFRA ASM establish a greater sense of security in the calibration Using the JOFRA ITC series together with the ASM results. A convenient countdown timer is activated five Advanced Signal Multi-scanner offers a great time-saving minutes before the unit reaches stability. automatic solution to calibrate multiple temperature sen- sors at the same time. Automatic switch test Operators can save a lot of time using the automatic ther- The ASM series is an eight channel scanner controlled by moswitch test function to find values for the ’’Open’’ and JOFRACAL software on a PC. Up to 3 ASM units can be ’’Close’’ temperatures. Additionally, this feature displays stacked to calibrate up to 24 sensors at the same time. the hysteresis (deadband) between the two points. The It can handle signals from 2-, 3- and 4 wire RTD’s, TC’s, feature ensures a very high repeatability when testing transmitters, thermisters, temperature switches and volt- thermoswitches. Simply press the ’’SWITCH TEST’’ key to age. activate the function. Please also see more in specification sheet SS-CP-2360, which can be found at Slope rate START (Ramp) SSW WIITTCCH H A AU UTTO O ESC ESC TTEESSTT STEP STEP MENU MENU Auto-stepping This feature saves manpower. The operator may stay in the control room, or another remote location, monitor- ing the output from the sensor-under-test while the ITC series calibrator is placed in the process and automatically changes the temperature using a programmed step value and rate. Up to 9 different temperature steps may be pro- grammed, including the hold time for each step. 4 3 2 1 SWITCH AUTO ESC TEST STEP MENU START ITC • Industrial Temperature Calibrator 3 JOFRACAL CALIBRATION SOFTWARE STANDARD DELIVERY JOFRACAL calibration software ensures easy calibration • ITC dry-block calibrator (user specified) of RTD´s, thermocouples, transmitters, thermoswithes, • Mains power cable (user specified) pressure gauges and pressure switches. JOFRACAL can • Traceable certificate - temperature performance be used with JOFRA DPC-500, APC, CPC and IPI pres- • Insert (user specified) sure calibrators, all JOFRA temperature calibrators, as well • 3 pcs. insulation plugs for 5, 8, 11 mm sensors (ITC-155 as JOFRA AMC900, ASC300 multi signal calibrator and only) ASM-800 signal multi scanner. • Tool for insertion tubes • RS232 cable • JOFRACAL calibration software • User manual • Reference manual (English) • Test cables (1 x red, 1 x black) ACCESSORIES 122832 Cleaning Brushes - 4 mm - Package of 3 pcs 60F174 Cleaning Brushes - 6 mm - Package of 3 pcs 122822 Cleaning Brushes - 8 mm - Package of 3 pcs 123374 Set of 3 pcs of insulation plugs / 4 mm ref. hole JOFRACAL calibration software may also be used for * 5, 8 and 11 mm / 0.2, 0.31 and 0.43 in. (ITC-155 A only) manual calibrations, as it can be set up to accept manual 125510 Set of 3 pcs of insulation plugs / 1/4 in ref. hole entry of calibration data together with other liquid baths, * 5, 8 and 11 mm / 0.2, 0.31 and 0.43 in. (ITC-155 A only) ice points or dry-block heat sources. 125068 Support rod set for sensors, 2 gribs, 2 fixtures The calibration data collected may be stored on a PC for * Support rod set can be mounted on all JOFRA later recall or analysis. The ITC calibrator stores the cali- dry-blocks bration procedure and may be taken out to the process 125066 Extra fixture for sensor grib site without using a personal computer. 125067 Extra sensor grib 125002 Edge port Converter with 4 pcs of RS232 ports Once all calibrations are completed, the data may be 123396 Carrying Case for ITC Series uploaded to the JOFRACAL calibration software for post- processing and printing of certificates. The calibration data collected may be stored on the personal computer for Carrying case (Optional) - later recall or analysis. 123396 The JOFRACAL temperature The optional protective carrying calibration software may be case ensures safe transportation donwloaded from our web-page and storage of the instrument and all associated equipment. Please also see more about JOFRACAL calibration software in specification sheet SS-CP- 2510, which can be found at Heat shield (Optional) - 104216 An external heat shield is avail- able and may be placed on top of the calibrator to reduce the hot air JOFRACAL software stream around the sensor-under- Minimum hardware requirements for JOFRACAL calibra- test. This is especially important for tion software. testing thermocouples having head- mounted transmitters with cold- TM • INTEL 486 processor junction compensation. TM • (PENTIUM 800 MHz recommended) • 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended) Support rod set (Optional) - 125068 • 80 MB free disk space on hard disk prior to installation Support rod for sensors to be • Standard VGA (800 x 600, 16 colors) compatible screen mounted on all JOFRA dry-block • (1024 x 786, 256 colors recommended) calibrators. Holds the sensor under • CD-ROM drive for installation of the program test in their position, while calibrat- ing. Includes 2 sensors grips and 2 • 1 free RS232 serial port fixtures for sensor gribs. 4 Industrial Temperature Calibrator • ITC Cooling time FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS ITC-155 A 155 to 100°C / 311 to 212°F ............. 4 minutes Mains specifications 155 to 23°C / 311 to 73°F ............... 14 minutes 23 to -20°C / 73 to -4°F .................. 23 minutes Voltage ITC-155/320 A .........115V(90-127) / 230V(180-254) 155 to -20°C / 311 to -4°F ...............37 minutes Voltage ITC-650 A ..............115V(100-127) / 230V(200-254) Frequency, non US deliveries ...............50 Hz ±5, 60 Hz ±5 ITC-320 A 320 to 100°C / 608 to 212°F ........... 30 minutes Frequency, US deliveries .......................................60 Hz ±5 320 to 50°C / 608 to 122°F ............ 60 minutes Power consumption (max) ITC-155 A .......................150 VA Power consumption (max) ITC-320/650 A ..............1150 VA ITC-650 A 650 to 100°C / 1202 to 212°F ......... 56 minutes 650 to 50°C / 1202 to 122°F ........... 95 minutes Temperature range Switch input (dry contact) ITC-155 A Test voltage .............................................Maximum 5 VDC Maximum ....................................................... 155°C / 311°F Test current .............................................Maximum 2.5 mA Minimum @ ambient temp. 0°C / 32°F .........-39°C / -38°F Minimum @ ambient temp. 23°C / 73°F ...........-23°C / -9°F Minimum @ ambient temp. 40°C / 104°F ........ -10°C / 14°F PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS ITC-320 A ....................................33 to 320°C / 91 to 608°F ITC-650 A ..................................33 to 650°C / 91 to 1202°F Instrument dimensions L x W x H ............241 x 139 x 375 mm / 9.5 x 5.5 x 14.8 in Resolution (user-selectable) All temperatures .................................................... 1° or 0.1° Instrument weight 1) ITC-155 A .....................................................7.6 kg / 16.8 lb Stability - NEW ITC-320 A .....................................................6.5 kg / 14.3 lb ITC-155 A ................................................±0.01°C / ±0.02°F ITC-650 A ..................................................... 8.5 kg / 18.7 lb ITC-320 A ................................................±0.02°C / ±0.04°F ITC-650 A ................................................±0.04°C / ±0.07°F Insert dimensions Measured after the stability indicator has been on for 10 minutes. Measuring time is 30 minutes. ITC-155 A Outer diameter ................19,9 mm / 0.78 in Inner diameter .................16,9 mm / 0.67 in Time to stability (approximate) Length ..............................150 mm / 5.91 in All models ...........................................................10 minutes ITC-320/650 A Outer diameter ................29,7 mm / 1.17 in 1) Accuracy - NEW Inner diameter (multi hole) .25,9 mm / 1.02 in ITC-155 A ................................................±0.18°C / ±0.32°F Inner diameter (single hole) 22,0 mm / 0.87 in ITC-320 A ................................................±0.25°C / ±0.45°F Length ..............................160 mm / 6.30 in ITC-650 A ................................................±0.45°C / ±0.81°F Weight of non-drilled insert (approximate) 12 month period. Specification by use of the internal reference. ITC-155 A .......................................................130 g / 4.6 oz 1) Radial homogeneity (difference between holes) - NEW ITC-320/650 A .............................................. 940 g / 33.2 oz ITC-155 A .................................................... 0.02°C / 0.04°F Shipping (including optional carrying case) ITC-320 A .................................................... 0.04°C / 0.07°F ITC-650 A ...................................................... 0.1°C / 0.18°F Weight: ITC-155 A ..................................... 14.0 kg / 30.9 lb Weight: ITC-320 A ......................................13.7 kg / 30.2 lb Immersion depth Weight: ITC-650 A ......................................15.7 kg / 34.6 lb ITC-155 A ..................................................160 mm / 6.30 in Size: L x W x H ..490 x 220 x 405 mm / 19.3 x 8.7 x 15.9 in ITC-320 A / ITC-650 A ............................. 150 mm / 5.91 in Shipping (without carrying case) Well diameter Weight: ITC-155 A ......................................11.0 kg / 24.3 lb ITC-155 A ................................................... 20 mm / 0.79 in Weight: ITC-320 A .....................................10.7 kg / 23.6 lb ITC-320/ITC-650 A ...................................... 30 mm / 1.18 in Weight: ITC-650 A ......................................12.7 kg / 28.0 lb Size: L x W x H ..460 x 216 x 405 mm / 18.1 x 8.5 x 15.9 in Heating time ITC-155 A -20 to 23°C / -4 to 73°F .................... 4 minutes Shipping (carrying case only) 23 to 155°C / 73 to 311°F ............... 14 minutes Weight: ...........................................................5.0 kg / 11 lb -20 to 155°C / -4 to 311°F .............. 18 minutes Size: L x W x H ..490 x 220 x 405 mm / 19.3 x 8.7 x 15.9 in ITC-320 A 50 to 320°C / 122 to 608°F ............... 7 minutes Miscellaneous ITC-650 A 50 to 650°C / 122 to 1202°F ........... 25 minutes Serial data interface ............................. RS232 (9-pin Male) Operating temperature ....................0 to 40°C / 32 to 104°F o o Storage temperature .................... -20 to 60 C / -4 to 140 F Humidity ......................................................... 0 to 90% RH 1) Improved specifications from January 1, 2008 Protection class ..........................................................IP-10 ITC • Industrial Temperature Calibrator 5 PREDRILLED INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES - 4 MM REFERENCE HOLE All specifications on hole sizes are referring to the outer JOFRA dry-block insert compatibility and materials: diameter of the sensor-under-test. ATC-320 = ATC-650 = ITC-320 = ITC-650 (made of brass) The correct clearance size is applied in all predrilled ATC-155 = ATC-156 (made of aluminum) inserts. ATC-157 = ITC-155 (made of aluminum) ATC-140 = ATC-250 (made of aluminum) 1 1 Probe diameter Insert code ITC-155 A ITC-320/650 A Probe diameter Insert code ITC-155 A ITC-320/650 A 3 mm 003 123270 105622 1/8 in 125 123279 105676 4 mm 004 123271 105624 3/16 in 187 123280 105678 5 mm 005 123272 105626 1/4 in 250 123281 105680 6 mm 006 123273 105628 5/16 in 312 123282 105682 7 mm 007 123274 105630 3/8 in 375 123283 105684 2 8 mm 008 123275 105632 7/16 in 437 123301 105686 2 9 mm 009 123276 105634 1/2 in 500 123302 105688 10 mm 010 123277 105636 9/16 in 562 N/A 105690 11 mm 011 123278 105638 5/8 in 625 N/A 105692 2 12 mm 012 123299 105640 Package of the above - 124700 124702 2 inserts 13 mm 013 123300 105642 Set of insulation plugs - 123374 N/A 14 mm 014 N/A 105644 15 mm 015 N/A 105646 Note: All inserts (metric and inches) are supplied with a hole for the 16 mm 016 N/A 105648 4 mm OD reference probe. Note: All inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155 are supplied with a Package of the above - 124699 124701 matching insulation plug. inserts Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standard insert Set of insulation plugs - 123374 N/A together with a new calibrator. Note 2: ITC-155 : 12 mm, 13 mm, 7/16 in and 1/2 in inserts are delivered without the 4 mm reference hole, but supplied with a matching insulation plug. PREDRILLED INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES - 1/4 IN (6.35 mm) REFERENCE HOLE 1 1 Probe diameter Insert code ITC-155 A ITC-320/650 A Probe diameter Insert code ITC-155 A ITC-320/650 A 1/8 in 901 125314 125296 3 mm 803 125290 125259 3/16 in 902 125315 125298 4 mm 804 125291 125261 1/4 in 903 125316 125300 5 mm 805 125292 125263 5/16 in 904 125317 125303 6 mm 806 125293 125265 7 mm 807 125294 125267 3/8 in 905 N/A 125305 2 8 mm 808 125295 125269 7/16 in 906 123301 125307 2 1/2 in 907 123302 125309 9 mm 809 N/A 125271 9/16 in 908 N/A 125311 10 mm 810 N/A 125273 Package of the above 11 mm 811 N/A 125277 - 125390 125391 inserts 2 12 mm 812 123299 125279 Set of insulation plugs - 125510 N/A 2 13 mm 813 123300 125281 Note: All inserts (metric and inches) are supplied with a hole for 14 mm 814 N/A 125283 the 1/4 in OD reference probe. 15 mm 815 N/A 125285 Note: All inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155 are supplied with Package of the above a matching insulation plug. - 125387 125388 inserts Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standard insert together with a new calibrator. Set of insulation plugs - 125510 N/A Note 2: ITC-155: 12 mm, 13 mm, 7/16 in and 1/2 in inserts are delivered without the 1/4 in reference hole, but supplied with a matching insulation plug. UNDRILLED INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES 4 mm Reference Inserts ITC-155 A ITC-320/650 A sensor 5-pack, undrilled inserts 123286 122719 5-pack, undrilled inserts with a 4 mm hole for the reference probe 123285 122721 5-pack, undrilled inserts with a 1/4 in hole for the reference probe 125313 125287 One undrilled insert N/A N/A Undrilled insulation plug 123304 N/A 1/4 in Reference sensor 6 Industrial Temperature Calibrator • ITC MULTI-HOLE INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES - METRIC (MM) Spare part no. for multi-hole inserts - metric (mm) 4 mm Reference 1/4 in Reference 4 mm Reference 1/4 in Reference sensor sensor sensor sensor 1 Insert code ITC-155 A ITC-320/650 A M01 123294 122750 6 4 M02 123295 122752 6 4 M03 123296 122754 6 M04 N/A 122756 4 6 M06 125377 N/A 6 4 M07 125378 N/A M08 125379 N/A Multi-hole M01 Multi-hole M02 (ITC-320/650 A) (ITC-320/650 A) Note: All multi-hole inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155 are supplied with a matching insulation plug. Note: Remember to use matching insulation plugs. 4 mm Reference 1/4 in Reference sensor sensor Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standard insert together with a new calibrator. 3 3 3 4 mm Reference 4 mm Reference 4 mm Reference sensor sensor sensor 3 3 3 4 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 3 3 5 3 Multi-hole M03 (ITC-320/650 A) Multi-hole M01 Multi-hole M02 Multi-hole M03 (ITC-155 A) (ITC-155 A) (ITC-155 A) 4 mm Reference 1/4 in Reference sensor sensor 1/4 in Reference 1/4 in Reference sensor 1/4 in Reference sensor sensor 6 3 3 4 3 9 6 3 3 3 3 5 6 6 6 3 3 6 5 3 4 Multi-hole M06 Multi-hole M07 Multi-hole M08 Multi-hole M04 (ITC-155 A) (ITC-155 A) (ITC-155 A) (ITC-320/650 A) MULTI-HOLE INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES - IMPERIAL (INCH) Spare part no. for multi-hole inserts - imperial (inch) 4 mm Reference 4 mm Reference sensor sensor 1 Insert code ITC-155 A ITC-320/650 A 1/4 M02 N/A N/A 1/8 M04 123297 N/A 1/4 1/4 3/8 M05 123298 122758 1/4 1/4 M06 N/A 122760 1/4 M09 125380 N/A 1/4 3/16 Note: All multi-hole inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155 are supplied with a matching insulation plug. Multi-hole M05 Multi-hole M06 Note: Remember to use matching insulation plugs. (ITC-320/650 A) (ITC-320/650 A) Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standard insert together with a new calibrator. 4 mm Reference 4 mm Reference 1/4 in Reference sensor sensor sensor 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/16 3/16 Multi-hole M05 Multi-hole M09 Multi-hole M04 (ITC-155 A) (ITC-155 A) (ITC-155 A) ITC • Industrial Temperature Calibrator 7 ORDERING INFORMATION Order number Description Base model number ITC155A ITC-155 series, -23 to 155°C (-9 to 311°F) ITC320A ITC-320 series, 50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F) ITC650A ITC-650 series, 50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F) Power supply (US deliveries 60 Hz only) 115 115VAC 230 230VAC Mains power cable type A European, 230V AMETEK Calibration Instruments B USA/CANADA, 115V is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and developers of calibration instruments for temperature, C UK, 240V pressure and process signals as well as for temperature D South Africa, 220V sensors both from a commercial and a technological E Italy, 220V point of view. F Australia, 240V JOFRA Temperature Instruments G Denmark, 230V Portable precision thermometers. Dry-block and liquid H Switzerland, 220V bath calibrators: 5 series, with more than 25 models and temperature ranges from -90° to 1205°C / -130° I Israel, 230V to 2200°F. All featuring speed, portability, accuracy Insert type and size and advanced documenting functions with JOFRACAL calibration software. XXX 1 x Insert for dry-block configuration (please see the previous insert pages for JOFRA Pressure Instruments the right insert codes) Convenient electronic systems ranging from -25 mbar to 1000 bar (0.4 to 15,000 psi) - multiple choices Calibration certificate of pressure ranges, pumps and accuracies, fully temperature-compensated for problem-free and accurate F Traceable calibration certificate field use. (standard for Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa) G NIST traceable calibration certificate JOFRA Signal Instruments (standard for Western Hemisphere) Process signal measurement and simulation for easy control loop calibration and measurement tasks - from H Accredited calibration certificate handheld field instruments to laboratory reference level bench top instruments. Options C Carrying case JOFRA / JF Marine Instruments X No option used A complete range of calibration equipment for temperature, pressure and signal, approved for marine ITC320A115BM06CGXX Sample order number use. JOFRA ITC-320 A dry-block calibrator, FP Temperature Sensors 115VAC power with US power cord and A complete range of temperature sensors for industrial predrilled multi-hole insert type 6 including and marine use. carrying case and NIST traceable certificate. M&G Pressure Testers Pneumatic floating-ball or hydraulic piston dead weight testers with accuracies to 0.015% of reading. M&G Pumps Pressure generators from small pneumatic “bicycle” style pumps to hydraulic pumps generating up to 1,000 bar (15,000 psi). ...because calibration is a matter of confidence AMETEK Mansfield & Green (North America) T: +1 800 527 9999 | AMETEK Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) T: +65 6 484 2388 | AMETEK Denmark A/S AMETEK Inc. Beijing Rep. Office (China) Gydevang 32-34 | 3450 Allerød | Denmark T: +86 10 8526 2111 | T: +45 4816 8000 | AMETEK GmbH (Germany) T: +49 2159 9136 510 | Sales & Service: AMETEK Calibration Instruments (UK) Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America T: +44 (0) 1243 833 302 | Information in this document is subject to change without notice. ©2009, by AMETEK, Inc., All rights reserved. 8 Pub code SS-ITC Issue 0912
Frequently asked questions
How does Industrial Trading differ from its competitors?

Is there a warranty for the ATC-320?

Which carrier will Industrial Trading use to ship my parts?

Can I buy parts from Industrial Trading if I am outside the USA?

Which payment methods does Industrial Trading accept?

Why buy from GID?

We are industry veterans who take pride in our work

Avoid the dangers of risky trading in the gray market

Our network of suppliers is ready and at your disposal

Maintain legacy systems to prevent costly downtime

Time is of the essence, and we are respectful of yours
What they say about us
One of our top priorities is maintaining our business with precision, and we are constantly looking for affiliates that can help us achieve our goal. With the aid of GID Industrial, our obsolete product management has never been more efficient. They have been a great resource to our company, and have quickly become a go-to supplier on our list!
Bucher Emhart Glass
With our strict fundamentals and high expectations, we were surprised when we came across GID Industrial and their competitive pricing. When we approached them with our issue, they were incredibly confident in being able to provide us with a seamless solution at the best price for us. GID Industrial quickly understood our needs and provided us with excellent service, as well as fully tested product to ensure what we received would be the right fit for our company.
Our company provides services to aid in the manufacture of technological products, such as semiconductors and flat panel displays, and often searching for distributors of obsolete product we require can waste time and money. Finding GID Industrial proved to be a great asset to our company, with cost effective solutions and superior knowledge on all of their materials, it’d be hard to find a better provider of obsolete or hard to find products.
Applied Materials
Over the years, the equipment used in our company becomes discontinued, but they’re still of great use to us and our customers. Once these products are no longer available through the manufacturer, finding a reliable, quick supplier is a necessity, and luckily for us, GID Industrial has provided the most trustworthy, quality solutions to our obsolete component needs.
Nidec Vamco
This company has been a terrific help to us (I work for Trican Well Service) in sourcing the Micron Ram Memory we needed for our Siemens computers. Great service! And great pricing! I know when the product is shipping and when it will arrive, all the way through the ordering process.
Trican Well Service
When I can't find an obsolete part, I first call GID and they'll come up with my parts every time. Great customer service and follow up as well. Scott emails me from time to time to touch base and see if we're having trouble finding something.....which is often with our 25 yr old equipment.
ConAgra Foods