PCI/ISA Single Board Computer
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Single Board Computers
System Chipset
Intel 440BX
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Video Chipset
C&T 69000
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PCI/ISA Single Board Computer LBC8540 • Intel Celeron Processor up to 733 MHz • Intel 440BX Chipset with 66MHz FSB • 32-bit / 33MHz PCI Bus • Up to 512 MB SDRAM • PCI Video with Flat Panel Support • PCI 10/100 Base-T Ethernet • PCI EIDE Controller • Flash Disk Support • PCI Ultra-wide SCSI , 2 Serial, 1 Parallel, an• 2 Floppyd 1 USB Port • System Monitor :SPECIFIC:FE PROCESSOR INTEL Celeron (PPGA) with 66MHz front side bus. This will allow the use of 300,The LBC8540 supports up to 512MB of system memory using two stan- 466, and 700MHz processors. Processor includes 128KB of L2 Cache.dard 168-pin 3.3V SDRAM DIMMs. PCI BUS Up to 512MB using SDRAMThe LBC8540 provides direct support for up to 4 PCI slots. The PCI system bus operates at 33MHz and supports PCI Burst transfer speeds NMEMORY ORGANIZ up to 132MB/s. 2 banks of 72 bit (168 pin) 3.3V SDRAM DIMMS ISA BUS PCI BUS SPEED The LBC8540 provides an interface to the ISA Bus with DTI's 33MHz enhanced buffering to reduce loading issues that can occur with high BIOSslot count backplanes. DTI Enhanced PHOENIX Plug-n-Play Compliant SYSTEM MONITOR PCI IDEThe LBC8540 includes DTI's standard system monitor which provides EIDE support, PIO modes 0 to 4, bootable CDROMenvironmental monitoring of all system temperatures and voltages (CPU, System, Ambient, Remote). The System Monitor also featuresPCI SCSI fan/switch monitoring through eight inputs, a built-in two stage watch-Adaptec 7880 Ultra/Wide dog timer, alarming mechanism for failure reporting, a dedicated serial PCI ETHERNET port for remote communication through a modem or CPU-CPU connec- Intel 82558 10/100 BASE-T auto-negotiating tion, and a general scratch pad area. PCI VIDEO PCI Video C&T 69000 with 2MB video memory and flat panel support The LBC8540 uses the C&T 69000 to provide enhanced 3D graphics performance and flat panel support. 2MB of synchronous graphicsUSB UHCI compatible host controller with one portmemory is built into the 69000. FLASH DISKPCISCSI The LBC8540 provides a high performance Ultra-Wide SCSI interfaceISA Solid State Hard Drive up to 72MB allowing data transfers to reach 40 MB/s using the Adaptec 7880 con- KEYBOARD . /AT & PS/2 Compatible PCI Ethernet MOUSE PORT The LBC8540 supports a fully auto-negotiating 10/100 Base-T connec- PS/2 Compatible tion, and full duplex operation which allows data rates to reach 20Mbps REALTIME CLOCK and 200Mbps. This interface is based on the Intel 82558 Network Includes 114 bytes of CMOS RAM with long life battery. PHYSICAL 4.2 x 13.3 inches HUMIDITY 0%-95% Non-Condensing POWER TBD m 7 1.800.443.266 www.dtims.co Controller troller ATIO MEMORY MEMORY ATURES ATIONS LBC8540 PCI/ISA Single Board Computer Up to 512MBUltra-WideUSB PortFlat PanelEInternal Keyboard/ y Mouse Portof SDRAMSCSI SupportSupportDrive t Parallel H t kSerial Ports PS/2 Intel 440BX d Chipset Port VGA Port Intel Celeron r m 300 to 700MHz r 66MHz Bus e PS/2 PCI VideoPICMG PCIDTI EnhancedeDTI Enhanced10/100 Base-Te 2MB of MemoryLocal BusISA BusClockPhoenix BIOSEthernetPort The LBC8540 is a Celeron single board computer whichresolution panels, and advanced power sequencing tech-grammable watchdog timer is built into the system monitor is offered in a full-size /AT PCI PICMG card form factor.niques for the panel power and control/data signals. Theproviding a timeout in the case of a software failure. A ded- The LBC8540 is based on Intel's 66MHz front side busLBC8540 can support simultaneous display on a CRT and aicated serial port is also included allowing the System Celeron processor with the 440BX chipset. Two standardflat panel.Monitor to transfer data and diagnostic information through 168-pin DIMM sockets are provided for support of up toThe LBC8540 implements a 32-bit PCI interface whicha modem or a CPU-CPU connection. 512MB of memory. In addition to the 16KB primary cache,provides burst transfer speeds up to 133 megabytes per sec-An onboard flash disk is also provided. Once enabled a 128KB secondary (L2) cache device is integrated in theond. It is designed to support four PCI devices, of which allthis device acts like a hard drive and uses standard OS par- Celeron processor module.four may be PCI masters and operate at 33MHz. Thetioning, formatting and coping utilities, without cables and The Intel Celeron processor is Intel’s next addition to theLBC8540 also provides outstanding ISA support for nonS advanced 80X86 compatible processor product line. ThePCI adapter cards.without any floppy or hard drive connected to the system. Intel Celeron processor (PPGA), like its predecessor theIntegrated onboard is Intel’s 82558 Ethernet controller.The embedded flash disk comes in a variety of sizes, cur- o-This PCI ethernet interface provides a fully auto-negotiatingrently the maximum available is 72MB. Contact DTI sales vided in a Plastic Pin Grid Array (PPGA) package for use in10/100 Base-T connection over a standard UTP-5 data gradeto discuss the possibility of size changes to the flash disk. stwisted-pair up to 100 meters in length. Support is providedStandard ISA bus peripherals like PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse predecessors, the Celeron processor implements a Dynamicfor full duplex operation, allowing effective data rates toController, Real Time Clock, floppy controller, RS-232 seri- Execution micro-architecture and executes MMX mediareach 20Mbps and 200Mbps, respectively. Support foral ports, ECP/EPP parallel port, and field upgradeable flash technology instructions for enhanced media and communi-Remote-Boot operation for diskless workstations can also beBIOS are also integrated onto the LBC8540. cation performance. The Intel Celeron processor also usesprovided. Drivers are available for all of today's popularDTI’s enhanced Phoenix BIOS, which includes ROM the same multi-transaction, GTL+, system bus used in theoperating systems.based SETUP and CONFIGURATION, is year 2000 (Y2K) Intel Pentium II processor with a front end bus speed ofThe LBC8540 provides a high performance Ultra-Widecompliant. 66MHZ. Integrated into the Celeron architecture is a 128KSCSI interface. Both 8-bit (narrow) and 16-bit (wide)The LBC8540 is designed for operation in passive back- level two cache and separate 16K instruction and 16K datadevices are supported. Double-speed Ultra operation is sup-plane systems. DTI offers a variety of PCI passive back- level one caches. The Celeron processor also supports mul-ported, allowing data rates to reach 40MB/s. The SCSIplane versions, such as the PBP14, PBP16, and the PBP20. tiple low-power states such as AutoHALT, Stop-Grant,interface is based on Adaptec’s industry standard AIC 7880The PBP14 provides eight ISA slots, four PCI slots, and a Sleep, and Deep Sleep to conserve power during idle times..single PCI/CPU slot. The PBP16 provides ten ISA slots, Support is not provided though for multiple-processor-basedA PCI based enhanced IDE interface on the LBC8540four PCI slots, and a single PCI/CPU slot. The PBP20 pro- systems as was on the Pentium II processor, so that only sin-provides excellent performance with all modern high speedvides fourteen ISA slots, four PCI slots, and a single gle processor systems can be provided using the CeleronIDE drives. It supports 32-bit access, LBA mode, andPCI/CPU slot. A comprehensive validation has been com- spleted on this product. Call factory for details. The LBC8540 provides enhanced 3D graphics perform-up to PIO mode 4. One or two devices can be supported ance by utilizing a C&T 69000 video controller. The videothrough this interface. Also, fast DMA modes can be uti- controller provides desktop graphics with full featured highh end performance up to extended VGA mode. It also pro-as Windows 95 and Windows NT. vides support for various flat panels such as VGA, XGA,The LBC8540 also features DTI's standard System SVGA, and SXGA active matrix TFT panel displays.Monitor for monitoring of system critical variables like volt-All products are shipped FOB factory (MS). Specifications subject to change without notice.Passive matrix flat panels like DSTN and SSTN are alsoage, temperature, and fan operation. The system monitor supported. Some of its more notable features are itsprovides eight inputs that can be configured as switch clo-Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 2001 by Diversified .advanced frame rate control (FRC) for STN panels, auto-sure inputs or strobed inputs useful for monitoring the rota- htional speed of fans with strobe outputs. A two-stage pro-All rights reserved. For more information or to orde.r, please contact us mww 7 476 Highland Colony Parkway • Ridgeland, MS 39157 1.800.443.266 w.dtims.co expansion and centering for text and graphics modes on hig Technology lized with device drivers in advanced operating systems suc bootable CDROM. This interface supports enhanced speedprocessor. controller lower cost systems in the Basic PC market segment. Like it Celeron processor (SEPP), is based on the P6 core but is pr external devices. This allows an LBC8540 to boot to the O MousReal Tim Interfac Monito Syste Processo Keyboar Dis Por FLAS Por Flopp EID
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ConAgra Foods